The Gloucester 18

I worked closely with Kristen Grieco, the producer of the documentary The Gloucester 18 to create a dvd cover that depicted an image in line with the spirit of her film. Kristen, who had previously worked at The Gloucester Daily Times, was the reporter who initially broke the story of the high rate of teen pregnancy at Gloucester High School. A report from another media outlet suggested that the spike in teen prenancy was the result of a pact among teenagers at Gloucester High School that wanted to raise their children together. After international media descended upon the small fishing village in Massachusetts, the report of the pact was later rejected. Kristen set the record straight with this documentary by giving the girls a voice to tell what really happened that summer.

Ultimately, the film was successfully shopped to educational distributors so that schools and other organizations could use the film as a learning tool.

DVD Cover

My concept for the DVD cover was to create a scene that looked as if a teen girl studying her school notes had just left the table to care for her infant. For the front cover, I used actual children's blocks and letter beads to set my type and then photographed them. I transformed still frames from the movie to look like actual photographs, and used a pacifier to reinforce the idea of the baby.

The notebook on the back cover worked well as a backdrop to make the synopsis and credit information look like study notes. I also photographed the Gloucester Fisherman Memorial Statue and transformed it into a sketch in the margin of the notebook.

Movie Poster

The producers asked me to convert the dvd cover into a movie poster that was used to promtoe the film at several film festivals throughout the country.